Friday, 23 December 2022

Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Dr. Uzodinma ADIRIEJE, 2022Q4


Dr. Uzodinma ADIRIEJE


1 Taiwo Close, Toronto, P.O. Box 1484, Owerri, Imo State

ABUJA: Plot 520, FHA, Lugbe; P.O. Box 8880, Wuse Abuja


PHONE: +234 803 472 5905




Dr. Uzodinma ADIRIEJE



Full names: ADIRIEJE, Uzodinma Akujekwe [Dr.]

Nationality: Nigerian


1 Taiwo Close, MCC Uratta Rd, PO Box 1484, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

Plot 520, FHA Estate, Lugbe, Airport Road, P.O. Box 8880, Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria      

Phone: +234 80 34 72 59 05




I am committed to continuously provide evaluation, monitoring, project/programme management, training/capacity development, outreach, reviews, research, evidence, advocacy, communication, social mobilization, partnership/collaboration and Systems Strengthening services towards achieving the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and African Union’s Agenda 2063, using evidence-based, data-driven, participatory and community-owned activities; to achieve sustainable interventions in Health, HIV/AIDS,TB and Malaria; human security, the SDGs including climate change and energy efficiency, and living standards of people and communities affected by or at risk for diseases, disasters, ignorance, underdevelopment and or poverty; using my 22 years of practical/hands-on civil society and private sector management/leadership skills and experiences in conceptualizing, planning, implementation, monitoring/evaluation and reporting Partnership building/collaborations; advocacy, communication and social mobilization; research and evidence generation; capacity development/trainings; and outreach interventions of projects, programmes and policies at all levels.



Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje is an independent Projects and Evaluations Consultant, and Writer/Columnist; with eloquent passion for development and humanitarian interventions/initiatives. He heads a firm of Consultants for Conference/Seminars, Training and Facilitation, and Projects Management with proven competences in drafting bills, concept papers/notes, policies, programmes, communiques, reports, etc. His latest engagements were as the Technical Consultant for Nigeria’s 63rd National Council on Health (5-9 Dec. 2022), and Lead Rapporteur and Communique Consultant for the 7th National Family Planning Conference (12-16 Dec. 2022). Dr. Adirieje is a professional Evaluator; Certified Trainer/Facilitator, Certified Management Consultant, Health Economist, and ‘One Health’ Champion/Advocate, Climate Change and Energy Efficiency activist, Development Worker, Reproductive Health Advocate, Columnist/Writer, Health and Community Systems Strengthening Specialist, Independent Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Consultant, and Community leader with over 25 years of proven competencies in managing/supporting and evaluating projects, policies, programmes and interventions that enhance results/productivity, accountability and transparency in Society Welfare/Social Safety nets/Conflict situations, Development Work, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Health through Partnerships promotion, Advocacy, Research/Evidence, Capacity/Organizational Development, and Community Engagements, and Outreach interventions. After serving as the Conference Programme Manager for the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA) in 2015, he served as the Conference Coordinator, Nigeria National Health Conferences (NHC), Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria (HERFON), Uyo and Abuja, 2006-2009. Adirieje became the Programs Coordinator for Global Funds [on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria] Round 8 (Health/Community Systems Strengthening) and Round 9 (Home-Based Care) as-well- as Director, Planning and Development, Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria [CiSHAN], Abuja; 2011-2012. Dr. Adirieje was the Co-Principal Consultant that drafted the Monitoring and Evaluation Policy of Nigeria which was recently approved by the Nigerian Government. He was the consultant that produced Nigeria’s SDG-3/Health Evaluation synthesis; and was a key participant in Nigeria’s national evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 and 4. He was the and Technical Consultant/Adviser to the Hon. Minister of State I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Conference Coordinator for the 2nd GlobalPOWER Women Network Africa High Level Meeting (HLM) Abuja 2013, organized by the Government of Nigeria in collaboration with the African Union and with support of UNAIDS; 27-28 June 2013. He’s Member, Technical Committee Meeting on Draft Standards for Renewable Energy in Nigeria. Dr. Adirieje participated in the 2018 African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) in Nairobi and 2018 meetings/activities of Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). During 2017-2018, Adirieje was Project Director of the vastly media-reported ‘Sustainable Citizen Participation (SCP) in Nigeria’s Niger Delta’ Project funded by United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF), which addressed many Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) challenges across 81 communities/LGAs in 9 States Niger Delta. Chairman, Nigeria Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (NiPBES) since 2019; and Alternate Focal Person/Member Steering Committee, Nigeria Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance (NREEE Alliance) since 2020. Dr. Adirieje is a gender activist, author of the ‘Female Circumcision (Female Genital Mutilation): 40 Dangerous Effects Parents and Relations Must Know (publication now catalogued at the Media/Materials Clearinghouse of the Johns Hopkins University, USA, for worldwide distribution, as M/MC ID#: PL NGA 318)’. He is a signatory to the ‘Every Woman Treaty’, and his activities in ending gender-based violence/violence against women and girls earned him the ‘1000 Voices Fellow’ from ‘Every Woman Treaty’ in 2021.  Dr. Uzo’ is an active participant in African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) and recipient of the 2022 Recognition Award from the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) for his “enduring commitment and valuable contributions”. He holds a ‘Certificate of Participation’ from the 7th International Conference on National Evaluation Capacities (NEC 2022) with the theme ‘Resilient National Evaluation Systems for Sustainable Development’ held at the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO) in Turin, Italy, 25-28 October 2022; and organized by the UNDP in collaboration with the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI). In 2022, Dr. Adirieje was one of 8 Africans selected by qualification do participate in the six weeks maiden Boot Camp of the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE). Uzodinma Adirieje was the Chairperson of Nigeria’s National World Malaria Day Committee in 2019, and National Team Supervisor and Data Collection Team Leader (data collector, data analyst and data quality assessment) of the Global Fund/NMEP/ISA’s Malaria Matchbox Nigeria Project 2020-2021 in conflict-ridden Northeastern Nigeria. He is a Member of Nigeria’s National Technical Working Group (TWG) on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E); and National Core Working Group on 2020 Voluntary National Review (CWG-VNR) of which he chaired the civil society response.


·         Facilitator, World Malaria Day conference with the theme: Advance Equity. Build Resilience. End Malaria - Your Effort Counts; Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA), 28 April 2022;

·         National Team Supervisor and Data Collection Team Leader of the Global Fund/NMEP/ISA’s Malaria Matchbox Nigeria Project 2020-2021; for the ‘Roll-out of the Malaria Matchbox Equity Assessment among Internally Displaced Persons/Women and Refugees in Adamawa, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe states;

·         Participated in the global Roll Back Malaria (RBM) ‘Partnership to End Malaria’ Joint Partners Committees’ Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya; February 2021;

·         Member, Resource Mobilization and Fundraising subcommittee of the 2021 national World Malaria Day Committee;

·         Chairman, National World Malaria Day Committee, FMOH/NMEP, Nigeria, 2019; during which Dr. Adirieje emphasized the need for:

1.      Malaria project implementers to tap into existing national and subnational channels to track demand for, request, and deliver malaria intervention commodities (such as quality-assured SP) and services;

2.      Updates on malaria in pregnancy (MiP) programming including Intermittent Prevention Treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) in the country to be placed on the agenda and discussed at every opportunity;

3.      Emphasis to be placed on policy-maker discussion and articulation of malaria’s impacts and the benefits of community-directed intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (c IPTp); and getting the commitment of policymakers to discussing and explaining to the people, the social and economic impacts of malaria as well as the benefits of c IPTp

·         Also, as Chairman, National World Malaria Day Committee, FMOH/NMEP, Nigeria, 2019; Dr. Uzodinma Adirieje:

1.      Made a national live TV broadcast to Nigerians to sensitize and mobilize Nigerians for Malaria elimination in commemoration of the 2019 World Malaria Day, on the Silverbird TV network on 25.04.19;

2.      Issued a national statement that was carried by the media, promoting efforts that shall lead to malaria elimination and emphasizing the importance of community involvements. The statement is available on this link


3.      Presented an address during the ministerial press conference primarily addressed by Nigeria’s Hon. Minister of Health Prof. Isaac Adewole in the presence of the USAID Mission Director Mr. Stephen M. Haykin and the National Coordinator of the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) Dr. Audu Bala Mohammed, 0n 25 April 2019; and

4.      Co-supervised the malaria outreach to the Internally Displaced Persons camp in Wassa, remote part of the FCT Abuja in the company of the National Coordinator of NMEP Dr. Audu Bala Mohammed

·         Member, Malaria Technical Working Group, FMoH, Nigeria, 2019-present;                               

·         Member, global Roll Back Malaria’s (RBM’s) Advocacy and Resource Mobilization Partners Committee (ARMPC),

·         Member, Roll Back Malaria’s (RBM’s) Innovations and Access Work Group.

·         Member, ACSM TWG, National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), Nigeria

·         Member, National World Malaria Day Committee, FMoH/NMEP, Nigeria, 2017-present;                               

·         National Coordinator, Non-State Actions for Malaria Elimination in Nigeria (NSA4MEN), Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA)

·         Since 2015, I have consistently been involved in supporting and working with the NMEP pro bono, by providing technical assistance/input to the World Malaria Day committee, Malaria TWG, ACSM Committee, and in others including the recently held ‘Malaria Stakeholders meeting’ based on the National Malaria Strategic Plan and best practices for Social and Behavioral Change Communication. I have been a newspaper and health magazine columnist with focus on health and development. My engagements as a consultant to the Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) to monitor/review Malaria interventions in Kebbi, Anambra, Rivers and Akwa Ibom States enabled me to produce reports on outcome targets, focused on correct malaria prevention and control interventions, and availability and appropriate use of malaria prevention and control commodities among the targeted population reached.

·         Trainer/facilitating consultant for AIDS, TB and Malaria (ATM) national networks leadership ‘Training on the Coordination and Management of ATM Networks CSOs’ Activities for ACOMIN, CiSHAN and TB Networks’ facilitated by Actionaid Nigeria/Global Fund during 2012-2013.

·         Technical Consultant to the Country Coordinating Mechanism [CCM] Nigeria for Global Fund on ‘Oversight’ to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria project sites across Nigeria from 2012 to 2014:

1.      As the GF/CCM consultant in reviewing the implementations of the GF interventions in malaria, I visited facilities, vendors and beneficiaries to do assessments of key streams of malaria control in preparation for the GF external team arrival. I also appraised the levels of implementation of advocacy, communication and social mobilization component of the GF’s malaria interventions in the States visited/reviewed looking at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

·         Sole Consultant for the ‘Development of the Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria Comprehensive Manual of Procedures’ for Nigeria, 2012. 

·         Programs Coordinator for Global Funds [on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria] Rounds 8 (Health Systems Strengthening) and 9 (Home-Based care) as-well- as Director, Planning and Development, Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria [CiSHAN], Abuja; 2011-2012.



·         Expert Speaker on the track ‘Integration’ at the Climate Social Forum 2022, 21-24 October 2022

·         Member, Presidential National Steering Committee and Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Federal Government of Nigeria’s Alternate School Programme (ASP), inaugurated by the President of Nigeria His Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari, 2021 - present

·         Member, National Technical Committee Meeting on Draft Standards for Renewable Energy in Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Mines and Power;

·         Project Director of the vastly media-reported ‘Sustainable Citizen Participation (SCP) in Nigeria’s Niger Delta’ Project funded by United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF); which addressed many Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) challenges across eighty-one communities/LGAs in Niger Delta.

·         President, Society for Conservation and Sustainability of Energy and Environment in Nigeria (SOCSEEN)

·         Participated in the 2018 African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) in Nairobi

·         Participated in the 2018 meetings/activities of Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in Nairobi.

·         National Publicity Secretary, Crestar Renewable Energy Initiative [CREN];

·         Chairman, National Technical Working Group (TWG), Nigeria Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (NiPBES);

·         Alternate Focal Person/Member, Steering Committee, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance (REEEA-A), Nigeria;

·         Trained in 2011 – Energy Efficiency Sensitization Workshop, Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN), Abuja, 22 December 2011

·         Trained in 2011 – First National Forum on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Conservation, ECN, Abuja, 19-20 December 2011

·         Author of ‘Averting a Water Crisis in Nigeria’, Medical Digest: March/April 2001, pp. 26-27

·         Team Lead, Organizing Committee, First Technical Forum of the NiPBES, October, 2019

·         Team Lead, Unicef/NiPBES National Consultative Group on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Nigeria, 2019-present



  • 2015-present: Member, Health Care Financing, Equity and Investments Technical Working Group (HCF TWG), Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) Nigeria,

§  2006 – Attended the Health System and Health Insurance Schemes Study/Capacity-Building Workshops/Tour of Brazil, Sao Paulo and Brasilia, 13-21 May 2006

§  Coordinator, Health Insurance Capacity-Building and Study tour of the Brazilian Health System and Institutions by Nigerian stakeholders including members of the National Assembly, Representatives of Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), Board and management of the NHIS, Change Agents, representatives of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), NHIS Providers, Consumers, Civil Society and media; organizing post-tour conference and writing/producing tour report (published, July 2006)

§  28 March – 31 July 2018       Sokoto and Kebbi States       USAID, Abt Associates/Healthcare Financing Group   

- Independent Consultant and Lead facilitator for the provision of technical support to Abt Associates for the Contributory Health Management Agencies for the roll-out of the State Contributory Health Management Schemes in Sokoto, Bauchi and Kebbi States; under the USAID funded reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) project; 2018; with the following responsibilities:

i.                    Technical review of all available SHIS policy documents – The SHIS Laws, Operational guidelines, benefit package, and health financing diagnostic reports among other documents with the aim of identifying immediate processes and tools that need urgent attention;

ii.                  Development of a plan for the design of technical processes and tools required for SHIS establishment, operations and implementation.

iii.                Development of documents, technical processes and tools that are needed for the operations of SHIS agency and implementation of the SHIS.

iv.                Support for the development of a quality assurance system for the SHIS.

v.                   Support for the development of a performance management system for the health insurance operations and facilitating regular performance reviews with a view to achieving continuous quality improvement.

vi.                Development of a marketing strategy document including a Resource mobilization plan. 

vii.              Development of a Quality assurance plan for the SHIS and support for ICT linkages for a successful implementation of the SHIS

viii.            Capacity building for staff on the technical operations of the State Health Insurance Scheme

ix.                 Provide mentoring and technical handholding for the various technical departments to develop and translate organizational manuals and business process manuals into practice;

x.                   Provide monthly progress update report to the SHIS, SMOH, management, HF TWG and USAID/HFG on status of the operations and technical assistance.

  • Advocacy Visit to the Honourable Minister, Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) Abuja, for the enthronement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and its coverage under the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS); by Afrihealth Optonet Association Nigeria on May 3, 2013

§  Director, Knowledge and Skills Expansion and Development Project, a.k.a. KASED Project; designed to provide fit-for purpose, systematic organizational capacity building interventions, for 1037 persons from 540 CSOs and government MDAs (Ministries, Depts and Agencies) in the 36 States and FCT, 2011-13

§  Director, Health Sector Capacity-Development Project (HeSCaP); which is designed to promote Human capital development/ capacity-building and institutional strengthening to expose qualified health care providers to the most modern and improved clinical/surgical procedures [for which many Nigerians travel abroad] and health systems management practices for better healthcare delivery in the country, 2011-13




1. National President of the Nigerian Association of Evaluators (NAE) <>, 2019 – April 2022

2. Deputy President, Interim Executive Council, NAE, 2014-2019

2. Founding Chairman of its Imo State Chapter (of the NAE).

3. Fellow of the Nigerian Association of Evaluators.

4. Member of the Technical Working Group (TWG) on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Nigeria;

5. Participated in the planning meetings for the SDG3 Evaluation, and the validation of the reports of SDG3 and SDG4 Evaluations in 2021.

6. Member, National Core Working Group on 2020 Voluntary National Review (CWG-VNR), OSSAP-SDGs, The Presidency, Nigeria.

7. Chairman, Civil Society Consultations on the 2020 Voluntary National Review (VNR), Nigeria.

8. Personally submitted this draft to the Hon. Minister of State Budget and National Planning for onward presentation to the Federal Government of Nigeria towards producing an Evaluation law for Nigeria (there is presently no Evaluation law in Nigeria).

9. National Consultant for Health Evaluation Synthesis in Nigeria, 2019 which report facilitated the implementation of the SDG 3 and SDG 4 Evaluation supported by Unicef.



1. Global Civil Society Capacity and Institutional Strengthening Needs Assessment; for the purpose of resourcing, providing and promoting capacity development, training, mentoring, skills sharing and promotion of skills-mix among civil society organizations involved in various aspects of development work towards the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), 2022-2023; by Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA)

2. Production of the Nigeria Evaluation Synthesis for SDG-3 (2015-2019) and Establishment of Nigeria Evaluation Repository 2010-2019; commissioned by UNICEF and the Dept of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Abuja, Nigeria.

3. Consultor for the Evaluation of SDG 3 and SDG 4 in Nigeria in 2020-2021 by Unicef and Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the SDGs in Nigeria (OSSAP-SDGs);

4. Consultant for the preparation of Nigeria’s Monitoring and Evaluation Policy (2020) by Unicef and Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning;

5. Moderator and Team Lead for the Nigeria civil society engagements on the Voluntary National Reviews of the SDGs in 2020, for the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF);

6. Associate Consultant: Provision of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Services For British Council Activities, Programmes And Interventions In Nigeria; 2019

7. National consultant of World Bank and NACA that developed Imo State Multi-sectoral HIV & AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Plan,2012-2016

8. GAVI Consultant for monthly routine immunization (RI) monitoring, evaluation and supportive supervision in 250 (two hundred and fifty) Primary Health Care Centres in the twenty-seven LGAs in Imo State



1. Resource Person/Presenter; ‘Online/digital training event organized by partnerships to engage reform and learn’- Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) in Adaptive Programmes: challenges, good practices and responses to COVID-19 <>; 03-06-2020

2. Curriculum Developer and Sole Facilitator; Training on the Evaluation Cycle - Steps in Evaluation; 23-05-20

3. Sole Facilitator/Trainer for the provision of monitoring and evaluation (M & E) certificate training course to four persons for 3 days for the Staff and Leadership of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Nigeria; and supported the FIDA team to develop an organizational M&E Plan and Strategy; 2018;

4. Team Leader/Facilitator, Training Workshops on Fundamentals of Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation & Development of M&E Frameworks for Staff of the Ministry of Budget and National Planning (MBNP), and Project Beneficiaries Agencies; under the European Union’s Technical Assistance for Implementation of Support to Federal Governance Reform Programme (SUFEGOR) EuropeAid/132034/D/SER/NG; 2018



§  2022   Technical/Project Consultant (including the communique), 63rd National Council on Health (NCH) – Nigeria’s highest policy making body for the Health Sector, which membership comprises all the Ministers of Health, 36 Commissioners for Health, FCT Secretary for Health, all their permanent Secretaries and Directors, 5-9 December, Abuja;

§  2022 Lead Rapporteur (including drafting 3 communiques within 5 days) for/at the 7th National Family Planning Conference held during 12-16 December, Abuja;

§  2022.06.10 Training on Project Management Life Cycle

§  2022.01.31 Stakeholders' consultation on International Conference on Development Work

§  2022.02.03 World Cancer Day symposium

§  2022.03.04 Journal writing training

§  2022.03.09 IWD conference

§  2022.03.25 World TB Day conference

§  2022.04.08 WHD Conference

§  2022.04.28 2022 World Malaria Day conference with the theme: Advance Equity. Build Resilience. End Malaria - Your Effort Counts

§  2022.06.02 gLOCAL Evaluation

§  2022.06.07 WED symposium Living in harmony with nature

§  2022.06.09 AHOA’s Town Hall Meeting (THM) on Implementation of Nigeria's National Health Act (NHAct) 2014

§  2021 Lead Organizer and Moderator, Eliminating Tuberculosis (TB) in Resources Constrained Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic - what works, what doesn't; an international webinar organized by Afrihealth Optonet Association in commemoration of the 2021 World TB Day.     

§  2021-08-05 Training on 'Project Life Cycle', by HSP Consultants

§  2021.12.27 Training on Proposals Presentation Outline

§  2021-02-02 Prevention, Treatment and Mitigation of Cervical Cancer in Resource constrained Settings during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

§  2021-02-12 Workshop on the Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on HIV/AIDS Response

§  2021-02-17 COVID-19 Vaccination and Community Engagement

§  2021-03-04 Harnessing and Promoting Women Leadership to Overcome the Covid-19 Pandemic and Achieve The 'SDGs'

§  2021-03-22 Eliminating Tuberculosis in Resources Constrained Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic - What Works, What Doesn't

§  2021-04-02 World Health Day 2021 - Imperatives for Fairer Healthcare Policies and Programmes During Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond

§  2021-04-02 Vaccine Hesitancy for Covid-19 And Other Vaccine-Preventable Diseases - Myths and Realities

§  2021-05-15 Climate Change: Think Global, Act Local

§  2021-05-24 Civil Society Dialogue on the Conservation of Biodiversity - we are part of the solution

§  2021-09-07 The Evaluation Cycle 88479342112

§  2021-09-30 The SDGs at 6: International Symposium on Country Prospects for the Achievement of the 2030 Agenda

§  2021-10-14 Making COVID-19 Vaccination Compulsory, Enforceable and Criminalizing/Punishing Non-receivers

§  2021-10-22 The Role of Evaluation in Achieving the SDGs

§  2021-01-14 Understanding and Ending Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in our Societies 

§  2021-03-04 Harnessing and Promoting Women Leadership to Overcome The COVID-19 Pandemic and Achieve The 'SDGs'

§  2021.10.29 CSO COP26 conference

§  2021.11.08 Health, Human Security and Food Security for All TAG

§  2021.11.25 Workshop on Involving men & boys as critical change agents against GBV and VAWG

§  2021-01-14 Understanding and Ending Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in our Societies

§  2021.12.27 Report Writing and Proposal Development                                                                                                                                            

§  2020-05-23 Training on Introduction to Project Life Cycle 

§  2020-05-23 Training on The Evaluation Cycle and Steps in Evaluation

§  2020-05-25 Challenges, Strategies and Prospects for Consultancy Services in Nigeria During and After Covid-19 Pandemic

§  2020-12-09 Strengthening Nigeria’s Health Systems to Protect Everyone and Achieve UHC and Health for All during the COVID-19 Pandemic

§  2020-12-11 Taming the Monster_ Ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Women and Girls During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

§  2020  Moderator/Country Group Lead, Civil Society Consultations on 2020 Voluntary National Review (VNR) of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nigeria.

§  2020  Convener and Moderator; Taming the Monster: Ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Against Women and Girls (SGBVAMG) During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic – a virtual Town Hall Meeting to commemorate the ‘16 Days of Activism’; organized by Afrihealth Optonet Association on 11 December 2020. 

§  Coordinator and Head of Secretariat, Partnership for the Nigeria National Health Conferences (NHC), 2009; co-hosted by the Government of Akwa Ibom State, held at Le’Meridien Ibom Hotel and Resort, Uyo; with focus on ‘Revitalizing Primary Health Care in Nigeria’

§  Coordinator and Head of Secretariat, Partnership for the Nigeria National Health Conferences (NHC), 2006…. To develop a Health Agenda for Nigeria in the twenty-first (21st) Century and disseminate this Agenda to Stakeholders at all levels of Government, Development Partners and NGOs, nationally and internationally (2006);

  • Advocacy visits to the President of the Senate and Speaker of House of Representatives (National Assembly) to support and participate in the Partnership for the National Health Conference, 2006
  • Coordinator and member of Advocacy team to the President of the Honourable Ministers of Health to support and participate in the Partnership for the National Health Conference, 2006

§  Coordinator, Health Insurance Capacity-Building and Study tour of the Brazilian Health System and Institutions by Nigerian stakeholders including members of the National Assembly, Representatives of Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), Board and management of the NHIS, Change Agents, representatives of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), NHIS Providers, Consumers, Civil Society and media; organizing post-tour conference and writing/producing tour report (published, July 2006)

  • Program Manager, International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA), Abuja, 2005

§  Secretary, International and National Scientific Committees of ICASA2005


·         2022.06.10 Training on Project Management Life Cycle

·         2021-08-05 Training on 'Project Life Cycle', by HSP Consultants

·         2021.12.27 Training on Proposals Presentation Outline

·         2020-05-23 Training on Introduction to Project Life Cycle 

·         2020-05-23 Training on The Evaluation Cycle and Steps in Evaluation

·         2020 Lead Speaker; Webinar on ‘Families in Development: Beijing +25 and the COVID-19” in commemoration of the 2020 International Day of the Families’ (with particular reference to social policies in Nigeria and how their weaknesses and inadequacies have been brought to fore by the COVID-19 pandemic.) <>; 15-05-2020

·         2018 Promoting Voice and Development Agenda Setting for Sustainable Citizen/Women’s Participation (SCP) in Resource-Constrained Settings in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria using the Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) Approach in 2017-18; a presentation for the 2018 International Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) Summit Nusa Dua, Indonesia from April 16-20, 2018

·         2017 Mobilizing Communities for Monitoring Activities that Promote the SDGs in Imo State during 2017-18; a presentation at the Nigeria National Evaluation Conference, 6-8 December 2017

·         2017   Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E); a capacity building workshop organized by Health Systems & Projects Consultants Ltd at the Nigeria National Evaluation Conference, 6-8 December 2017

·         2015 Imperative for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Interventions: a case for the Mbamala International Kidney Centre; presented during the formal presentation of ‘Peace of Mind’ (A Book written by Hon. Chief Val Mbamala); under the Chairmanship of His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, CFR; Executive Governor of Sokoto State; at Yar’adua Centre, Abuja; November 2015 

·         2015 Advance Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) certificate courses offered by Health Systems and Projects Consultants

·         2015 Advanced Project and Programme Management certificate courses offered by Health Systems and Projects Consultants

·         2014-15 Basic Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) certificate courses offered by Health Systems and Projects Consultants

·         2014-15 Project and Programme Planning/Design and Management certificate courses offered by Health Systems and Projects Consultants

·         2013-15 Leadership and Management for Organizational Transformation and Project/Programmes Implementation [certificate course/training materials]

·         2013 The Role of Medical Librarians in Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM): implications for the MDGs and post-2015 Era. A presentation at the 2013 Workshop/AGM of the medical Librarians Association of Nigeria

·         2005   ‘The State of Women’s Health and Lives in Nigeria: The Imperative of Complementary Traditional Health Care’ - a position/advocacy paper presented at the Inaugural Consultative Meeting of the African Women’s Health Initiative (AWHI), USA/Nigeria; Nicon Hilton Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria; 11-13 January 2005

·         2005   ‘Controlling HIV/AIDS Among Mobile Populations in Lagos’ – an oral presentation made at the 14th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, Abuja, 4-9 December 2005

·         2004   ‘Controlling HIV/AIDS within the community’ – an enlightenment/advocacy speech delivered at an HIV/AIDS control campaign for the predominantly Muslim Arewa Community, Isolo, organized jointly by Afrihealth Optonet Association and Arewa Joint Action Committee (AJACOM), at the Isolo central Mosque, Lagos;

·         2003  ‘Education and the Challenge of Regeneration in Orsu Local Government Area’ The inaugural guest lecture at the 2nd ‘Orsu Summit’ held at Orsu Local Government Area (LGA) headquarters, Awo-Idemili, Imo State, Nigeria, 30 December 2003

·         2001  ‘The Child and the Home’ -a guest speech delivered at the annual general meeting of Parent Teachers Association of Sunshine Nursery/Primary School, Aguda-Surulere, Lagos, 17 November 2001

·         2001  ‘Philanthropy as a Poverty Alleviation and Development Initiative in Orsu Local Government Area’ – an advocacy paper delivered at the launching of a N2.5million naira Endowment Fund for the Less-privileged, by the Ede-Ukwu Welfare Association, Ajegunle, Lagos, 11 November 2001

·         2000  ‘Vitamin A as Soldiers of the Human Body’ -a guest speech delivered at the launching of the Vitamin A for Health programme of the Prosuzet Nutrition Foundation, Bariga-Lagos



* Principal Investigator (PI)/consultant to UNAIDS/ILO/UNDP/NACA on ‘Situational Assessment for a National Framework for Private Sector Response and Public-Private Partnerships on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, 2004-2005 

* Co-Chairman, National World Malaria Day partnership, Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH)/National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), 2016-2018

* Director of Operations and Programs (DOP), Civil Society Coalition on the 2016 National Census in Nigeria, 2015

* National Chairman, Civil Society Partnership for Development in Nigeria (CSPDN), 2014-present

* National Coordinator, Coalition on Vaccines, Vitamins and Immunization for All Nigeria [CoVIAN], 2012-present

* Coordinator, Partnership for the National Conference on Adequate Infant Nutrition in Nigeria, 2008-09

* Coordinator and Head of Secretariat, Partnership for the Nigeria National Health Conferences (NHC), 2006…. To develop a Health Agenda for Nigeria in the twenty-first (21st) Century and disseminate this Agenda to Stakeholders at all levels of Government, Development Partners and NGOs, nationally and internationally (2006); in the Ladi Kwali Hall of the Sheraton Hotel and Towers Abuja on 28-29 November 2006 <>

* National Health conference (NHC 2009) on the then Primary Health care in Nigeria,

* Coordinator and Head of Secretariat, Partnership for the Nigeria National Health Conferences (NHC), 2009; co-hosted by the Government of Akwa Ibom State, held at Le’Meridien Ibom Hotel and Resort, Uyo; with focus on ‘Revitalizing Primary Health Care in Nigeria’

* Member, WHO Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Advocacy and Resource Mobilization Partnership Committee, Geneva; 2017-present

* National Coordinator, Nigeria Universal Health Coverage Advocacy Group (NUHCAG), involving UNAIDS, WHO, UNDP, FMOH, FMFBNP, AFRIHEALTH, IFRC, CSEM, CSOs; 2019-present

* Chairman, National World Malaria Day partnership, Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH)/National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), 2019-present

* Project Director, Health and Food Security Summits (HEFOSS) partnership organized by Afrihealth Optonet Association; in collaboration with the National Assembly Committees on Agriculture and Health, Federal Ministries of Health, Agriculture and Women Affairs, and other Stakeholders, 2013-present

* Organizing/Technical Consultant, Nigeria National Cervical Cancer Screening Scale-up Project Implementing Partners Conference/Meeting, Abuja, 2015

* Technical Consultant/Coordinator (2013), 1st Biomedical HIV Prevention Forum [BHPF2013] Abuja Nigeria, organized by the New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society (NHVMAS) in collaboration with NACA, UNAIS, SFH and IPH/OAU, 18-20 November 2013

* Technical Consultant/Adviser (2012-2013) to the Hon. Minister of State I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2nd GlobalPOWER Women Network Africa High Level Meeting (HLM) Abuja 2013, organized by the Government of Nigeria in collaboration with the African Union and with support of UNAIDS; 27-28 June 2013


CONSULTANCIES AND SCOPES UNDERTAKEN (Planning, Project/Programme Management, Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning/Training)



Date:   12-16 December 2022

Client: Association for the Advancement of Family Planning (AAFP) in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH).

Position: Lead Rapporteur and Communiques Consultant

Project: 7th Nigeria Family Planning Conference (NFPC) - a biennial event that brings together experts, partners, policy makers and other stakeholders to discuss and share experiences on the progress made and to chart the way forward towards improving the existing situation of FPin Nigeria.


Date:   5-9 December 2022

Client: Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Nigeria          

Position: Technical/Project Consultant

Project: 63rd National Council on Health (NCH) – Nigeria’s highest policy making body for the Health Sector, which membership comprises all the Ministers of Health, 36 Commissioners for Health, FCT Secretary for Health, all their permanent Secretaries and Directors, 5-9 December, Abuja


Date:   September 2022 – February 2023

Client: Sightsavers International, in collaboration with the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the SDGs

Position: Project Consultant

Project: Domestication of the Inclusive Data Charter (IDC) and development of Nigeria National Action Plan to advance disaggregated and inclusive data and ensure poor and vulnerable people are fully captured in our data in line with the SDGs principle of "leave no one, behind".


Date:   Nov. 2021 - present

Client: Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the SDGs (OSSAP-SDGs), The Presidency, Nigeria

Position: Training and Projects Verification Consultant

Project: Verification of Conditional Grants Scheme Projects Implemented from 2016 – 2020 in Nigeria’s 36 States & FCT


Date:   February 2021 – December 2022

Client: Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, Nigeria  

Position: Oversight/Sites Visitation Team Member

Project: Alternate School Programme of the Federal Government of Nigeria


Date: Aug. 2019 - 2020        

Client: Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH)

Position: Consultant 

Project: Development of The National Health Promotion Strategic Plan (2020-2024), Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Nigeria.


Date: 16 July - 2018 15 November 2018

Client: East West Consulting - EWC sprl, on behalf of the European Union/European Commission and “ICE – International Consulting Expertise EEIG”, Belgium

Position: National Senior Short-Term Expert & Team Lead for Ministry of Budget and National Planning (MBNP) Department Workshop on Project Cycle Management      

Project: Provision of Hands-On Training on Project Cycle Management (PCM), Results-Based Management (RBM) and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Personnel of Ministry of Budget and National Planning, Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIR) and Federal Government’s Budget Office; as Part of European Union’s Support to federal Government (SUFEGOR).

Phase 1: (1st Quarter 2018):

4-day Training Workshop on Strengthening the capacity of MBNP staff in Fundamentals of Project Cycle Management (PCM) Technique, Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) and Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)

Phase 2: (2nd Quarter 2018):

4-day Training workshop on Strengthening the capacity of MBNP staff in - Fundamentals of the Results-Based Management (RBM) Approach and Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework

Major Responsibilities:

i. Design the Needs Assessment questionnaire, disseminate to participants and analyse the responses.

ii. Design the Workshop Curriculum.

iii. Design Pre-and Post-Workshop Questionnaires and analyse the responses.

iv. Design the end of workshop assessment questionnaires and analyse the responses.

v. Facilitate the 4-days workshop during Phase 1 and the 4-day workshop during Phase 2.

vi. Draft and finalise the workshop reports.


Date: 1 Jan. 2017-Dec. 2018

Client: United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) and Afrihealth Optonet Association

Position: Project Director and Lead Trainer

Project: Sustainable Citizen Participation (SCP) in Nigeria’s Niger Delta Region. This project covered 81 (eighty-one) LGAs/Communities in 9 Niger Delta States (Abia, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Imo, Ondo, Rivers). It was fully funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) and implemented by Afrihealth Optonet Association.

Major Responsibilities:

i. Head of the project implementation team (PIT);

ii. Leads all the project’s management, implementation, training, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of sub-grantee and reporting to UNDEF and stakeholders

iii. Developed the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan;

iv. Oversight and M&E responsibilities on implementing partners and sub-implementing partners of the SCP Project

v. Identify sources of data, collection methods, who collects data, how often, cost of collection and who analyzes it;

vi. Develop criteria and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) scheme for the impact, benefit and sustainability of Organization’s projects;

vii. Lead in the selection of indicators for the project

viii. Prepare detailed M&E budget and calendar of M&E activities;

ix. Oversee the execution of M&E activities included in the SCP project Work Plan, with particular focus on program budgets, logical framework (logframe) designs for the physical and process Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of project activities, use of results-based approach for M&E;

vii. Undertake regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed;

viii. Facilitate, act as resource person, and join if required any external supervision and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) missions, and monitor the follow up of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) recommendations;

ix. Identify and participate in additional networks, for example scientific or policy-based networks that may also yield lessons that can benefit project implementation of the SCP Project; and

x. Be responsible for planning outreaches/outreach interventions, and writing annual project reports


Date: 1 Dec. 2011 - present

Client: Health Systems and Projects Consultants Ltd       

Position: Country Director and Lead Trainer

Project: This company provides consultancy and direct services in the conceptualization, planning, mobilization, implementation and reporting of conferences, workshops, management training/capacity development, seminars, researches, round tables, advocacy, organizational development (OD), partnerships management, resourcing, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E).  

Major Responsibilities:

i. Responsible for managing all operations within Nigeria including taking responsibility for profit, revenue, cash and quality targets; and reporting to the CEO/Board of Directors;

ii. Be in charge of all areas of the company’s business such as moving services, global mobility and records management;

iii. Oversee annual budgets and produce a detailed annual business operating plan, as well as deliver as well as monthly, quarterly or annual targets for revenue, profits and cash;

iv. Produce business performance reports, on a monthly or quarterly basis;

v. Recruit and manage staff, including performance Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), and possibly mentoring and training; and

vi. Ensure daily contact with clients and stakeholders


Date: 28 March – 31 July 2018

Client: USAID, Abt Associates/Healthcare Financing Group        

Position: Independent Consultant  

Project: Provision of Training and Hands-On Technical Support to the Sokoto, Bauchi and Kebbi State Contributory Health Management Agencies for the Roll-Out of the State Contributory Health Management Schemes.

Major Responsibilities:

i.          Technical review of all available SHIS policy documents – The SHIS Laws, Operational guidelines, benefit package, and health financing diagnostic reports among other documents with the aim of identifying immediate processes and tools that need urgent attention;

ii.         Development of a plan for the design of technical processes and tools required for SHIS establishment, operations and implementation.

iii.        Development of documents, technical processes and tools that are needed for the operations of SHIS agency and implementation of the SHIS.

iv.        Support for the development of a quality assurance system for the SHIS.

v.         Support for the development of a performance management system for the health insurance operations and facilitating regular performance reviews with a view to achieving continuous quality improvement.

vi.        Development of a marketing strategy document including a Resource mobilization plan. 

vii.       Development of a Quality assurance plan for the SHIS and support for ICT linkages for a successful implementation of the SHIS

viii.      Capacity building for staff on the technical operations of the State Health Insurance Scheme

ix.        Provide mentoring and technical handholding for the various technical departments to develop and translate organizational manuals and business process manuals into practice.

x.         Provide monthly progress update report to the SHIS, SMOH, management, HF TWG and USAID/HFG on status of the operations and technical assistance.


Date: 23-27 January 2017   

Client: USAID-SACE and Emerald International Development Services Limited

Position: Health Sector Expert and Facilitator      

Project: SACE Issues Content Training Workshop on health sector policy processes  

Major Responsibilities:

i. Development of a training module that meets the following thematic areas:

•          Policy and National Health Act 2014

•          Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of the budget for health institutions

•          Delivery of the PHCOUR and PHC

•          Reproductive health provisions linked to achieving the MNCH and SDG targets for Nigeria

•          Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) mechanisms in the health sector – identifying opportunities as well as gaps which the participants can engage with

ii. Delivery of a 1.5-day national workshop on health policy processes for project partners

iii. Provide support for one day to help clusters sharpen their advocacy focus

iv. Build effective skills for partners on health sector processes

v. Enhance knowledge of CSOs on the concept of budgeting for health and institutions

vi. Enhance understanding of partners on the delivery of the PHCOUR

vii. Identify entry points in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) mechanism for the health issues

viii. Assist participants in their clusters to sharpen their advocacy focus


Date: March 2012 – December 2014         

Client: GAVI and National Primary Health care Development Agency (NPHCDA)        

Position: Immunization Management Consultant 

Project: Provision of Immunization Capacity Development and Supportive Supervision to Primary Health Care Facilities in Imo State, Nigeria

Major Responsibilities:

i. Conduct training of Health Workers at the State, LGA and HF levels on data management once every year.

ii. Conduct Regular Supportive supervisory visits to HFs and LGAs.

iii. Provide regular feedback to lower levels by the State and LGA should be embarked upon. These feedbacks should be planned and documented.

iv. Advocate/mobilise the State/LGAs to augment GAVI support for outreach and immunization services.

v. Sufficient data tools (HF tally and summary sheets, health cards, VM tools) should be provided to the LGAs and HFs by the States.

vi. Strengthen community linked activities (WDC, VDC.).

vii. Conduct monthly review meetings at LGAs.

viii. Conduct a quarterly Data Quality self-assessment (DQS) of its LGAs and Health facilities

ix. Documentation in child immunization register by birth month for Penta states


Date: 1 Jan. 2010-30 Nov. 2011      

Client: Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria [CiSHAN]    

Position: Programme Coordinator and Head of Management    

Project: Projects and Organizational Management

Major Responsibilities:

i. Shall be the head of the management team and ensure the effective administration and resources management at CiSHAN National office.

ii.    Shall collect, collate and report on programmatic, institutional and financial issues to the GC on a quarterly basis or as determined by the GC

iii.    Shall supervise and ensure effective management of all programmes, projects and activities of CiSHAN National office.

iv.    Shall approve and ensure effective and efficient day to day utilization of financial and material resources at the National office;

v.    Shall relate with other organizations such as government, donors and development partners after approval by the Chairman for the purpose of mobilizing resources and other necessary support for the accomplishment of the objectives of CiSHAN

vi.     Shall ensure effective supervision and discipline of Staff and shall recommend discipline matters to the Personnel and Finance committee of the Governing council for the consideration of the Governing Council.

vii.    Shall ensure cleanliness of the National Office and healthy working environment among the staff of the National Office

viii.    Shall produce annual and quarterly work plan and budget of the National Office for the approval of the Governing Council

ix.      Shall ensure that project proposals are developed and relevant financial and programmatic reports are rendered quarterly, annually and as when due to the Governing council, donor agencies, partners and other Stakeholders.

x.      Shall be the Secretary of the Governing Council and shall attend all meetings of the Governing Council where you shall have right of voice but no voting powers.

xi.    Shall be one of the signatories to all Accounts of CiSHAN National Office.

xii.      Shall ensure proper security an keep full and accurate of funds and other properties of the National Office

xiii.   Shall ensure proper security of accounts records and keep up to date list of financial members

xiv.    Shall ensure that annual budgets of CiSHAN shall be submitted by the last quarter of the current year to the Governing Council for approval.

xv.    Shall keep proper custody of the common seal of CiSHAN.

xvi.    Shall be the Chairman of the Management Committee at the National Office

xvii.    Shall carry out other duties as may be   assigned to you by the Chairman or the Governing Council;

xviii. Shall coordinate Programs Management Unit programmes, projects and activities and to ensure the effective administration and management of resources management of the unit;

xix. Shall collect, collate and report on programmatic, institutional and financial issues to the NEC on a quarterly basis through the Executive Chairman;

xx. Shall supervise and ensure effective management of all programs, projects and activities of Programs Management Unit;

xxi. Shall sign cheques for expenditures within the limit of two hundred thousand Naira only;

xxii.  Shall ensure effective and efficient day to day utilization of human, financial and material resources of the Programs Management Unit;

xxiii. Shall ensure effective supervision of activities of Staff working in Programs Management Unit and shall submit report of their work to the Executive Chairman on quarterly basis;

xxiv. Shall produce annual, quarterly, monthly work plans and budgets as well as monthly Activity Plans and budgets of the Programs Management Unit at the National Office for the approval of the Central Management Committee;

xxv. Shall ensure that project proposals are developed and relevant financial and programmatic reports are rendered annually, quarterly and monthly as and as at when due to the Central Management Committee, donor agencies, partners and other Stakeholders after approval of the Executive Chairman;

xxvi. Shall be one of the signatories to all Accounts of Programs Management Unit at the National Office;

xxvii. Shall ensure proper security and accurate safe keeping of funds and other properties of the Programs Management Unit at the National Office;

xxviii. Shall ensure proper security of accounts records and keep up to date list of financial members of CiSHAN;

xxix. Shall ensure that annual budgets of Programs Management Units are prepared and submitted by the last quarter of the current year to the NEC through the Executive Chairman for approval;

xxx. To coordinate Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of the work of the Programs Management staff of the Programs Management Unit;

xxxi. To provide and facilitate adequate access to and sharing of information relating to activities of the Programs Management Unit;

xxxii. To coordinate the development and production of IEC materials and manuals of the Programs Management Unit;

xxxiii. To organize and chair weekly Programs Management Unit Committee meetings and submit minutes of the meetings to the Executive Chairman;

xxxiv. Shall carry out other duties as may be   assigned by the Chairman of the Governing Council of CiSHAN.


Date: 1 Dec. 2004 – 30 Nov. 2011   

Client: Afrihealth Optonet Association

Position: Programme Coordinator and Head of Management    

Project: Projects and Organizational Management Lead for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), , Research, Learning, Outreach and Trainings (MERLOT)

Major Responsibilities:

i. Advise on the development and maintenance the Association’s Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), , Research, Learning and Outreach (MERLO) engagements;

ii. Conduct AFRIHEALTH’s readiness assessment regarding M&E;

iii. Identify sources of data, collection methods, who collects data, how often, cost of collection and who analyzes it;

iv. Develop criteria and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) scheme for the impact, benefit and sustainability of Organization’s projects;

v. Prepare detailed M&E budget and calendar of M&E activities;

vi. Oversee the execution of M&E activities included in the Annual Work Plan, with particular focus on program budgets, framework designs for the physical and process Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of project activities, use of results-based approach for M&E;

vii. Undertake regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed;

viii. Facilitate, act as resource person, and join if required any external supervision and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) missions, and monitor the follow up of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) recommendations;

ix. Identify and participate in additional networks, for example scientific or policy-based networks that may also yield lessons that can benefit project implementation within Afrihealth; and

x. Be responsible for planning outreaches/outreach interventions, and writing project reports (quarterly and annual).


Date: 1 Nov. 2005 – 31 Dec. 2009

Client: Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria [HERFON] and United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DfID)

Position: Programme Manager, Gender and HIV/AIDS adviser/focal person

Projects: Advocacy & Communications, and Conference Coordination 

Major Responsibilities:

i. Planning and managing all the Foundation’s advocacy initiatives/activities with governments, development partners, civil society organisations, etc.;

ii. Overseeing the information and communications, including the the writing/drafting of correspondences, position papers, press releases, media announcements, speeches, papers, presentations, communiques, etc;

iii.  Supervising the Foundation’s website and its contents;

iv. Producing the Foundation’s bulletins and newsletters;

v. Coordinating the National Health Conferences activities;

vi. Managing the membership activities of the foundation, including membership development, policies, briefings, enquiries, etc.

vii. Coordinating and managing the Foundation’s media activities/engagements and working with the media;

viii. Serving as the Foundation’s Gender and HIV/AIDS adviser/focal person

ix. Managing all the health and technical programmes of the organisation;

x. Supervising and supporting the officers in charge of Research, Advocacy & Communication and ICT;

xi.  Overseeing the activities of the library; and

xii. Assisting the Executive Secretary/CEO in the performance of his official internal and external engagements


Date: 1 Jan. 2005 – 30 Oct. 2005

Client: Society for AIDS in Africa (SAA) and UNAIDS

Position: Programme Manager

Project: International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA)               

Major Responsibilities:

i. Maintained an excellent working relationship with counterparts within the Federal Ministry of Health, UNAIDS, UNIFEM, WHO, World Bank, SACAs, USAID, JICA, Pathfinder International, CDC, and other implementing partners, local groups/organizations and stakeholders to ensure effective coordination, support and management of ICASA 2005 programs;

ii. Communicated effectively with plenary speakers, session chairs/co-chairs, roundtable, skills-building and satellite meetings participants and abstract submitters and all presenters;

iii. Maintained communication and cooperation with abstract reviewers;

iv. Defined conference’s abstract categories and poster groupings;

v. Downloaded abstracts and other conference data, captured abstract submissions, allocated reviewers to abstracts and communicated with abstract submitters;

vi. Organized and supported meetings of the International Scientific Committee and the local Scientific sub-committee and the final abstract selection meetings; including the presentation of top abstracts for oral sessions or posters; and

vii. Created conference sessions


Date: 1 Jan. 1990 – 31 Dec. 1994    

Client: Optonet International

Position: Executive Director

Project: Provision of organizational and project management services

Major Responsibilities:

i. Serves as the CEO and Chairperson of the Management Team/Committee, and leads in Programs/Projects and organizational management for effective deliveries and achievement of results, guided by the principles of accountability and transparency

ii. Ensure the preparation of strategic plan, work plans and budgets, business plans and action plans for the effective running of the organization, as and when due; and submission of same to the Board of Trustees (BoT) for its deliberation and approval

iii. Ensures the collection, collation and reporting of programmatic, institutional and financial data and routine submission to the BoT

iv. Supervise and ensure effective proper direction and management of all programmes, projects and activities; and effective and efficient day to day utilization of financial and material resources

v. Relate with and engage stakeholders and other organizations such as government, donors and development partners on behalf of Afrihealth, for the purpose of mobilizing resources and other necessary support for the accomplishment of the objectives of the organization and its coalition partners

vi. Represents the organization and speaks for it on a day-to-day basis, and reports to the BoT periodically

vii. Ensures effective supervision and discipline of Staff and shall recommend discipline matters to the Personnel and Finance committee of the Governing council for the consideration of the Governing Council

viii. Ensures that project proposals are developed and relevant financial and programmatic reports are rendered quarterly, annually and as when due to the General Assembly/Annual General Meeting, BoT, donor agencies, partners and other Stakeholders

ix. Approve all expenditures of the organization within the limits provided by the organization/constitution

x. Supervises and manages the recruitment and deployment of human and material resource of the organisation.





1. Doctor of Optometry from the College of Medicines and Health Sciences of Imo (now Abia) State University in 1988.

2. Federal Government of Nigeria Certified Management Trainer and Facilitator; 2018

3. Certificate in Advanced management Training/Facilitation; Centre for management Development, Lagos, Nigeria

4. Optimizing your M&E team's performance: Improving internal communication and dealing with conflict; USAID/Measure Evaluation/MSH

5. Overcoming the challenge of building and leading effective M&E teams for public sector, NGO and civil society organizations; USAID/Measure Evaluation/MSH

6. The Virtual Leadership Development Programme (a Diploma course); USAID/Measure Evaluation/MSH

7. Country Ownership & Organizational Capacity Building; and Creating an Enabling Environment for M&E Community of Practice [CoP]; USAID/Measure Evaluation/MSH

8. Certificate training in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Data Management; use and application of QuickBooks software;

9. Peer Participatory Rapid Health Assessment for Action (PPRHAA); UK DFID.

10. Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and

11. Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC),

12. Fellow of the African Scientific Institute (FASI),

13. Fellow of the Nigerian Association of Evaluators (FNAE),

14. Fellow of the Institute of Management Specialists (FIMS),

15. Fellow, Afrihealth Optonet Association (FAHOA)

16. Member of the Nigeria Institute of Management (MNIM)

17. Associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (ACIPM).




1. National Team Supervisor and Data Collection Team Leader of the ‘Roll-out of the Malaria Matchbox Equity Assessment among Internally Displaced Persons/Women and Refugees in Adamawa, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe states, 2020’, funded by the Global Fund and implemented by Impact Sante Afrique; using desk reviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KII), data analyses, pilots, etc.


2. Technical review of Contributory Health Management Schemes documents for the Sokoto, Bauchi and Kebbi States Contributory Health Insurance Schemes (CHIS) – The SHIS Laws, Operational guidelines, benefit package, and health financing diagnostic reports among other documents were reviewed with the aim of identifying immediate processes and tools that need urgent attention, 2018; using training/capacity development, mentorships, brainstorming activities, using desk reviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), reporting/report writing


3. Facilitation of regular performance reviews for the Sokoto, Bauchi and Kebbi States Contributory Health Insurance Schemes (CHIS), with a view to achieving continuous quality improvement; using field visits, documents/reports reviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KII), data analyses


4. National Consultant for the development of the ‘Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria Comprehensive Manual of Procedures’ for the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), 2012; using desk reviews, document syntheses, focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KII), data analyses


5. He is the author of the booklet titled “HIV/AIDS Care: Beyond ARVs and Advocacy” which was distributed at the 13th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA) held in Nairobi Kenya in 2003.


6. Report writer, papers reviewer and Organizing/Technical Consultant, Nigeria National Cervical Cancer Screening Scale-up Project Implementing Partners Conference/Meeting, Abuja, 2015; using desk/documents/reports reviews, papers presentations and discussions, parallel sessions and plenaries, keynote speeches, technical papers presentations, communique, media engagements, report writing


7. Papers reviewer and Technical Consultant/Coordinator, 1st Biomedical HIV Prevention Forum [BHPF2013] Abuja Nigeria, organized by the New HIV Vaccine and Microbicide Advocacy Society (NHVMAS) in collaboration with NACA, UNAIS, SFH and IPH/OAU, 18-20 November 2013;


8. Papers reviewer, final report writer and Technical Consultant/Adviser to the Hon. Minister of State I, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the 2nd GlobalPOWER Women Network Africa High Level Meeting (HLM) Abuja 2013, organized by the Government of Nigeria in collaboration with the African Union and with support of UNAIDS; 27-28 June 2013;


9. National Consultant to Federal Ministry of Health and Unicef, Nigeria, for the Joint Annual Review [JAR] of National Strategic Health Sector Development Plan [SHDP] in Akwa Ibom State, February-March 2012; using desk/documents/reports reviews, papers presentations, panel discussions, parallel sessions and plenaries, keynote speeches, technical papers presentations, communique, media engagements, report writing


10. Principal Investigator (PI)/consultant to UNAIDS/ILO/UNDP/NACA on ‘Situational Assessment for a National Framework for Private Sector Response and Public-Private Partnerships on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, 2004-2005


11. Production of the Nigeria Evaluation Synthesis for SDG-3 (2015-2019) and Establishment of Nigeria Evaluation Repository 2010-2019; commissioned by UNICEF and the Dept of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Abuja, Nigeria.


12. Consultant for the preparation of Nigeria’s Monitoring and Evaluation Policy (2020)


13. Associate Consultant: Provision of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Services For British Council Activities, Programmes And Interventions In Nigeria; 2019


14. National consultant of World Bank and NACA that developed Imo State Multi-sectoral HIV & AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, 2012-2016


15. GAVI Consultant for monthly routine immunization (RI) monitoring, evaluation and supportive supervision in 250 (two hundred and fifty) Primary Health Care Centres in the twenty-seven LGAs in Imo State




Location and Date/Duration

Organization supported

Position & Project


Workshop for Dev’t of Nigeria’s national M&E and Capacity Building Plan

Abuja, 5-9 Aug. 2019


Technical Group Chair and Workshop participant


i. Co-chaired the Workshop communique production team

ii. Led group discussions during the workshop

iii. Advocated for country-wide professionalization of the M&E Systems

Workshop of the TWG on Evaluation of the SDGs in Nigeria

Abuja, 17-19 April 2019




i. Made technical contributions and participated actively in the workshop of the Technical Working Group (TWG) on the Evaluation of Sustainable Development Goals (TWG-SDGEVAL)

ii. Advocated for country-wide professionalization of the M&E Systems

Sustainable Citizen Participation (SCP) in Nigeria’s Niger Delta; also called the SCP Project;

9 Niger Delta States (Abia, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Imo, Ondo, Rivers);

1 Jan. 2017-Dec. 2018

United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) and Afrihealth Optonet Association

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Lead;



i. Developed the M&E Framework for the SCP Project proposal and implementation;

ii. Established the baseline data for the SCP Project through the performance of baseline assessment in each of the 9 States in the Niger delta;

iii. Selected the indicators for the SCP Project;

iv. Developed the M&E Plan for the SCP Project;

v. Performed the M&E, oversight and supportive supervision on implementing partners and sub-implementing partners of the SCP Project

v. Identified sources of data, collection methods, who collects data, how often, cost of collection and who analyses it;

vi. Develop criteria and evaluation scheme for the impact, benefit and sustainability of SCP Project;

vii. Prepared detailed M&E budget and calendar of M&E activities for the SCP Project;

ix. Ensured the execution of M&E activities included in the SCP project Work Plan, with particular focus on program budgets, logical framework (logframe) designs for the physical and process monitoring of project activities, use of results-based approach for M&E;

vii. Undertook regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identified where adaptations and reviews of the project plan were needed;

viii. Accompanied the evaluation teams from the UNDEF to the project sites as demanded, and during the SCP Project’s milestone activities;

ix. Communicated the M&E findings with the UNDEF and respective implementing partners and sub-implementing partners of the SCP Project

x. Monitored, documented and shared media reports on the SCP Project with UNDEF and other stakeholders;

xi. Guided and presided over the stakeholders’ meetings for the Evaluation of the SCP Project

Certificate Courses in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E

Nigeria); 2012-present

Health Systems and Projects Consultants Ltd

Lead Facilitator and M&E Contents/Curriculum Developer


i. Provision of Technical Assistance for the Development of M&E Plans by course participants during ten M&E certificate courses organized by Health Systems and Projects Consultants Ltd; 2012-2018

ii. Lead Facilitator, certificate course in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of HIV/AIDS, Health and Development Programmes, (18 batches); 2012-2018

iii. Lead M&E Courses Curriculum Developer, M&E certificate courses organized by Health Systems and Projects Consultants Ltd; 2012-2018

Towards Intensified HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support Services In Nigeria


19 States in  Nigeria;

1 Jan. 2010-30 Nov. 2011

The Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), Federal Government of Nigeria, Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria [CiSHAN]

M&E  Coordinator and Head of Management of the Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria [CiSHAN]


i. Supervised the development of the M&E Framework for GFATM’s HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support Services in Nigeria with CiSHAN as prinicipal recipient;

ii. Provided supportive supervision for the establishedment the baseline data for the Project through the performance of baseline assessment in each of the 9 States in the Niger delta;

iii. Supervised the selection/adaptation of indicators for the Project;

iv. Provided supportive Supervision for the development of the M&E Plan for this Project;

v. Performed the M&E oversight and supportive supervision on sub-recipients and sub-sub-recipients of the Project

v. Co-identified sources of data, collection methods, who collects data, how often, cost of collection and who analyzes them;

vi. Undertook occasional visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identified where adaptations and reviews of the project plan were needed;

vii. Signed off M&E reports on this project for submission to GFATM, BOT, Governing Council and other stakeholders

viii. Supervised and co-facilitated 4 batches of 4 days training on Monitoring and Evaluation for 125 persons from 125 CBOs from the 36 states and FCT, under Global Fund Round 9

Organizational M&E Activities/Functions; 

Lagos, Owerri and Abuja1 Dec. 2004 – 31 Dec. 2018

Afrihealth Optonet Association

Monitoring and  Evaluation (M&E) and Outreach Adviser


i. Supervised the development and maintenance the Association’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan;

ii. Conducted AFRIHEALTH’s readiness assessment regarding M&E;

iii. Identifed sources of data, collection methods, who collects data, how often, cost of collection and who analyzes it;

iv. Develop criteria and evaluation scheme for the impact, benefit and sustainability of Organization’s projects;

v. Prepare detailed M&E budget  and calendar of M&E activities;

vi. Oversee the execution of M&E activities included in the Annual Work Plan, with particular focus on program budgets, framework designs for the physical and process monitoring of project activities, use of results-based approach for M&E;

vii. Undertake regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed;

viii. Facilitate, act as resource person, and join if required any external supervision and evaluation missions, and monitor the follow up of evaluation recommendations;

ix. Identify and participate in additional networks, for example scientific or policy-based networks that may also yield lessons that can benefit project implementation within Afrihealth; and

x. .Be responsible for planning outreaches/outreach interventions, and writing project reports (quarterly and annual).

Training Workshops on Fundamentals of Results-Based M&E and Dev’t of M&E Frameworks for Staff of MBNP

Abuja, 2017-18

EU SUFEGOR/Ministry of Budget and National Planning


Team Lead; M&E Trainer and Facilitator


i. Led the Training Workshops on Fundamentals of Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation & Development of M&E Frameworks for Staff of the Ministry of Budget and National Planning (MBNP), and Project Beneficiaries Agencies; under the European Union’s Technical Assistance for Implementation of Support to Federal Governance Reform Programme (SUFEGOR) EuropeAid/132034/D/SER/NG; 2018;


Roll-out of the State Contributory Health Management Schemes in Sokoto, Bauchi and Kebbi States

Sokoto, Bauchi and Kebbi States; 2018

Abt Associates/USAID/Govts of Sokoto, Bauchi and Kebbi States

Technical Consultant, Trainer and Facilitator


i. Provided technical support to Contributory Health Management Agencies for the roll-out of the State Contributory Health Management Schemes in Sokoto, Bauchi and Kebbi States; under the USAID funded reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) project; 2018

M & E capacity Dev’t for the International Fed. Of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Nigeria

Abuja; 2018


Federation of International Women Lawyers (FIDA) Nigeria

Curriculum developer, Trainer and Facilitator


i. Was the Sole Facilitator for the provision of monitoring and evaluation (M & E) certificate training course to four persons for 3 days for the Staff and Leadership of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Nigeria; 2018

ii. Supported the FIDA team to develop an organizational M&E Plan and Strategy



Abuja; 2012-2013




M&E Capacity Dev’t

Abuja, Imo, Lagos; 2012-present

Health Systems & Projects Consultants Ltd

Country Director & Lead  Facilitator


i. Provided Technical Assistance for the Development of M&E Plans by course participants during ten M&E certificate courses organized by Health Systems and Projects Consultants; 2012-present;

ii. Lead Facilitator and curriculum developer for certificate courses in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of HIV/AIDS, Health and Development Programmes by Health Systems & Projects Consultants Ltd;  2012-present

Dev’t of State Sector-wide M&E Plan for HIV/AIDS

Imo, 2012

National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA)/Imo SACA

Sole Consultant


i. Trainer/Facilitator, Monitoring and Evaluation Planning for State Sector-wide Plan for HIV/AIDS in Imo State, June 2012;

ii. Development of M&E Plan for the Imo State Agency for AIDS (ImoSACA)

M&E of Routine Immunization Services in PHCs in Imo State

Imo, 2012-14


Sole Consultant


i. Provided M&E and supportive supervision to primary health care facilities in 27 LGAs of Imo State as GAVI Consultant for the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI), 2012-2014

M&E of Clinical Services

Plateau, 2006


Team Member


Conduction of the first-ever monitoring and evaluation (appraisal) of the services of Mandela Clinic, K-Vom, Plateau State, using the Peer participatory Rapid Health Appraisal for Action (PPRHAA) tool; covering patient-care management, internal management, finance and equipments, output and services, and community and client views of the health centre; and provided report and recommendations for the improvement of the services of the clinic (2006);

Leadership positions in M&E


Nigerian Association of Evaluators (NAE)/UNICEF/MBNP

Roles specified in next box


i. Member, Federal Government of Nigeria’s Technical Working Group (TWG) on the Evaluation of Sustainable Development Goals (TWG-SDGEVAL)

ii. National President, Nigerian Association of Evaluators (NAE), 2019 – April 2022

iii. Deputy National President, Nigeria Association of Evaluators (NAE), 2013-2019

iv. Chaired sessions, presented papers and facilitated technical/capacity building sessions at past national Evaluation conferences in Nigeria (2015 and 2017)

v. Chairman, Nigeria Association of Evaluators (NAE), Imo State Chapter, 2017-present



         Trainer/Facilitator, Project and Programmes Planning/Design and Management, Febr. 2014 and March 2014 (2 batches)

         Trainer/Facilitator, Leadership and Management for Organizational Transformation and Project/Programmes Implementation, June 2013 and October 2013 (2 batches)

         Trainer/Facilitating Consultant, AIDS, TB and Malaria (ATM) national Networks Leaders’ Training on the Coordination and Management of ATM Networks CSOs’ Activities for ACOMIN, CiSHAN and TB Networks, Actionaid Nigeria/Global Fund; 21-25.05.2012

         Director, Knowledge and Skills Expansion and Development Project, a.k.a. KASED Project; designed to provide fit-for purpose, systematic organizational capacity building interventions, for 1037 persons from 540 CSOs and government MDAs (Ministries, Depts and Agencies) in the 36 States and FCT, 2011-present

         Director, Health Sector Capacity-Development Project (HeSCaP); which is designed to promote Human capital development/ capacity-building and institutional strengthening to expose qualified health care providers to the most modern and improved clinical/surgical procedures [for which many Nigerians travel abroad] and health systems management practices for better healthcare delivery in the country, 2011-present

         Trainer/Resource Person and Supervisor, training of 250 persons from all the states and FCT on the provision of Home-Based Care (HBC) for HIV/AIDS; under the Global Fund Round 9, 2010-11

         Resource Person, Training on Ward Health System for 5 Batches of Chairmen and Secretaries of Ward Health Development Committees in Ezeagu, Udenu, Udi, Nsukka and Nkanu West LGAs in Enugu State, under GFR8 HSS/CSS project, 2010-2011

         Resource Person, Orientation and Capacity-building Workshop for Chairmen and Secretaries of Ward Health Development Committees in two LGAs in Ebonyi State, under GFR8 HSS/CSS project, 2010-2011

         Supervisor, 6 zonal 3-days training on Resource Mobilization and Financial Management for CBOs from the 36 states and FCT, 2010; under the National HIV/AIDS Fund (HAF), 2010-11

         Supervisor, 6 zonal 3-days training on Organizational Development for CBOs from the 36 states and FCT, 2010; under the National HIV/AIDS Fund (HAF), 2010-11

         Supervisor, 6 zonal 3-days training on Financial Management for CBOs from the 36 states and FCT, 2010; under the National HIV/AIDS Fund (HAF), 2010-11

         Coordinator, Health Insurance Capacity-Building and Study tour of the Brazilian Health System and Institutions by Nigerian stakeholders including members of the National Assembly, Representatives of Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH), Board and management of the NHIS, Change Agents, representatives of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), NHIS Providers, Consumers, Civil Society and media; organizing post-tour conference and writing/producing tour report (published, July 2006)

         Director and Resource Person, 2 batches of training on Project Management for CBOs in Oshodi/Isolo LGA, Lagos State, 2001

         Director and Resource Person, 3 batches of training on Overcoming Maternal and Child Nutritional Anemia for community leaders and health workers in Badagry Lagos, 2008-9

         Director and Resource Person, Facilitated/organized 1 Vitamin A Deficiency Control/Training workshop for community leaders, patent medicine dealers, local government personnel and community health workers in Badagry, Lagos, 2001



·         CEO and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Lead/UN Main Representative, Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA) – CSOs Networking Coalition and Think-tank;

·         Country Director and Lead Facilitator/Trainer, Health Systems and Projects Consultants Ltd

·         National President (2019 - April 2022), Nigerian Association of Evaluators (NAE). 

·         Project Director, Civil Society Actions for Biodiversity, Environment, Energy and Climate, AHOA;

·         Project Director, Civil Society for the Elimination of Gender-Based Violence (GBV)/Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), AHOA;

·         Project Director, Coalition for Vaccines, Vitamins and Immunizations for All (CoVIA), AHOA;

·         President, Society for Conservation and Sustainability of Energy and Environment in Nigeria (SOCSEEN)

·         National Chairman, Civil Society Organizations Strategy Group on the SDGs in Nigeria;

·         Chairman, Nigerian Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (NiPBES);

·         Executive Secretary, Nigeria Universal Health Coverage Actions Network (NUHCAN);

·         Site Coordinator; University of Washington’s online course, Nigeria Abuja Afrihealth Optonet Association (AHOA)

·         Technical Consultant to Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs Nigeria, 2012-2013

·         Member, Healthcare Financing Equity and Investments Technical Working Group (HCFE&I TWG), Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria;

·         Member, Presidential National Steering Committee and Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Federal Government of Nigeria’s Alternate School Programme (ASP), inaugurated by the President of Nigeria His Excellency President Muhammadu Buhari, 2021 – present

·         Member, National Technical Committee Meeting on Draft Standards for Renewable Energy in Nigeria, Federal Ministry of Mines and Power



Adirieje, U. Nigeria’s elusive peace and the looming refugee crisis [1], Daily SUN newspaper, 30 December 2011 <>

Adirieje, UA. Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Community-Based HIV/Aids Advocacy,

Adirieje, UA. Public-Private Partnership and Nigeria’s Development,


Adirieje, UA. What Progress Made by 'CCMs' Over the Past Two Years

Adirieje, UA. Vitamin A and child deaths in India

Adirieje, UA. Alzheimer’s disease on our shores

Adirieje, UA. Stigma, HIV/AIDS and disclosure (1)

Adirieje, UA. Stigma, HIV/AIDS and Disclosure

Adirieje, UA. Putting ‘access to all’ on the HIV/AIDS agenda

Adirieje, UA. Putting ‘access to all’ on the HIV/AIDS agenda (2)

Adirieje, UA. HIV and AIDS: Ensuring Access to All

Adirieje, UA. Health Options for Road Safety In Nigeria

Adirieje, UA. Patent Door Opens for Generic ARVs in Africa

Adirieje, UA. Current concerns: Thailand’s potpourri for Nigeria and HIV/AIDS

Adirieje, UA. Malaria in Africa: A Continuing Scourge, a Litany of Failed Targets

Adirieje, UA. Opening up on ‘HIV/AIDS’ (1)

Adirieje, UA. HIV and AIDS: Ensuring Access to All



Adirieje, U. No Woman, No Development: Africa’s Women of Substance Converge on Abuja for the 2nd GPHLM

Adirieje, U. Collaboration with Africa Women’ Sector in relation to Health: outcomes of  Global POWER Women Network Africa High Level Meeting (GPHLM) 2013; presented at the Civil Society Symposium on Abuja+12 Summit organized by World AIDS Campaign International, 3 July 2013

Adirieje, U. The Imperative of Prevention in the Effective Control of HIV/AIDS – the poorly explored haven

Adirieje UA, Umeakunna F. Report on 2016 World Malaria Day Outreach/Rally in Gbaupe Community, Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja, Nigeria; Organized By Afrihealth Optonet Association

Adirieje, U. Nigeria’s elusive peace and the looming refugee crisis [1], Daily SUN newspaper, 30 December 2011

Adirieje, UA. Public-Private Partnership and Nigeria’s Development (2), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 392, 15 February 2005, p. 31

Adirieje, UA. Public-Private Partnership and Nigeria’s Development (1), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 387, 8 February 2005, p. 31

Adirieje, UA. Taming ‘HIV/AIDS’ in Our Higher Institutions, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 382, 1 February 2005, p. 29

Adirieje, UA. HIV/AIDS: Why ‘ICASA’ and ‘NACA’ Must Succeed, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 377, 25 January 2005, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. Nigeria’s Traditional Health Care in Africa (3), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 372, 11 January 2005, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. Nigeria’s Traditional Health Care in Africa (2), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 378, 4 January 2005, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. Nigeria’s Traditional Health Care in Africa (1), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 378, 28 December 2004, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. Health and Human Rights, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 378, 21 December 2004, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. Nigeria’s Twin-‘Wahala’ (2), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 378, 14 December 2004, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. Nigeria’s Twin-‘Wahala’ (1), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 387, 7 December 2004, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. HIV/AIDS and African Women, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 382, 30 November 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. Does Mr. President Know? Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 377, 23 November 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. Nigeria’s Economic Reforms in Social Context, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 372, 16 November 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. Much Ado About brain Drain, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 367, 9 November 2004, p. 29

Adirieje, UA. Businesses in the Era of HIV/AIDS, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 362, 2 November 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. The Poverty War in Nigeria (2), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 357, 26 October 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. The Poverty War in Nigeria (1), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 352, 19 October 2004, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. Preventable Blindness and National Economic Productivity, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 347, October 12 2004, p. 21

Adirieje, UA. Twelve Blind persons in One Minute, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 342, 5 October 2004, p. 31

Adirieje, UA. HIV/AIDS: Caring as an Obligation (2), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 337, 28 September 2004, p. 2

Adirieje, UA. HIV/AIDS: Caring as an Obligation (1), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 332, 21 September 2004, p. 23

Adirieje, UA. NEPAD: hope or hype? Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 327, 14 September 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. NEPAD: hope or hype? Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 322, 7 September 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. African Woman’s Rough Road (2), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 307, 17 August 2004, p. 29

Adirieje, UA. African Woman’s Rough Road (1), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 302, 10 August 2004, p. 29

Adirieje, UA. Alzheimer’s Disease on Our Shores, Daily Sun, Vol. 1 No. 297, 3 August 2004, p. 31

Adirieje, UA. Diabetes on the Prowl, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 312, 24 August 2004, p. 22

Adirieje, UA. Putting ‘Access to All’ on the HIV/AIDS Agenda (2), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 282, 13 July 2004, p. 20

Adirieje, UA. Putting ‘Access to All’ on the HIV/AIDS Agenda (1), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 277, 6 July 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. Thailand’s Potpourri for Nigeria and HIV/AIDS, Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 272, 29 June 2004, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. Tobacco and the Rest of Us (2), Daily Sun, Vol. 2 No. 267, 22 June 2004, p. 27

Adirieje, UA. Tobacco and the Rest of Us (1), Daily Sun, Vol. 1 No. 262, 15 June 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. The Global Fund and HIV/AIDS Control in Nigeria, Daily Sun, Vol. 1 No. 251, 1 June2004, p. 30

Adirieje, UA. Opening Up on HIV/AIDS (2), Daily Sun, Vol. 1 No. 246, 25 May 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. Opening Up on HIV/AIDS (1), Daily Sun, Vol. 1 No. 241, 18 May 2004, p. 26

Adirieje, UA. Health Attitudes and Road Traffic Problems, Daily Sun, Vol. 1 No. 226, 27 April 2004, p. 28

Adirieje, UA. Seeds for Nigeria’s Health Needs, Daily Sun, Vol. 1 No. 221, 20 April 2004, p. 28

Adirieje, UA. HIV/AIDS and the Abuja Declaration. Medical Digest: July/August 2001, pp. 9-10

Adirieje, UA. Averting a Water Crisis in Nigeria. Medical Digest: March/April 2001, pp. 26-27

Adirieje, UA. A visit to Alma-Ata. Medical Digest: January/February 2001, pp. 18-20

Adirieje, UA. Female Circumcision (Female Genital Mutilation): 40 Dangerous Effects Parents and Relations Must Know. Afrihealth Information Projects, 1999 (catalogued at the Media/Materials Clearinghouse of the Johns Hopkins University, USA, for worldwide distribution, as M/MC ID#: PL NGA 318)

Adirieje, UA. Nutrition for All Ages - A Pocket Guide. Optonet International, 1999 (catalogued at the Media/Materials Clearinghouse of the Johns Hopkins University, USA, for worldwide distribution, as M/MC ID#: PL NGA 398)

Adirieje, UA. Eye Care and Vitamin A Deficiency Prevention in Egbe, Lagos State. Sight and Life Newsletter 4/1999, pp.18-19.

Adirieje, UA. Sanya Primary School Nutritional Blindness Prevention Project. Sight and Life Newsletter, 3/1998, pp. 11-12

Adirieje, UA. Approaches to Reduce Vitamin A Deficiency in Lagos State, Nigeria. SCN News No. 15, United Nations ACC/SCN, 1997, pp. 29-30.

Adirieje, UA. Evidence of Vitamin A Deficiency within Community Populations in Lagos State of Nigeria.  Sight and Life Newsletter 1/1997, Task Force Sight and Life, 1997, pp. 18-19.

Adirieje, UA. Anti-leprosy Vaccines.  The Guardian Newspaper, Lagos, 1 August 1996.



1.      ‘Recognition Award’ from the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) for his “enduring commitment and valuable contributions”; 2022

2.      Conference Scholarship Award for the 2022 International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) Conference, 27-30 September 2022

3.      European Evaluation Society (EES) Bursary Award for the Evaluation Conference and Professional Development Workshops for September 2021; “based on your strong profile, to attend the workshop "Evaluating Climate Change Projects and Impacts: The Evaluator’s Toolkit"

4.      ‘Solar Advocate’ award by the Solar Energy Society of Nigeria (SESN), 2021



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